Doug Nye for taking the time to write a foreword to my homepage.

    Felix Muelas for his tremendous contribution and for making a dream come true.

    Hans Etzrodt for his incredible contribution, his interest and his expert knowledge.

    Alessandro Silva for his expert knowledge about Italian events and all his driver biographies.

    Michael Müller (Bugatti expert), Adam Ferrington (Maserati expert), Patrick Italiano (Alfa Romeo expert)

    Simon Davis for his expertice and for providing driver pictures.

    Aldo Zana for supplying me with very interesting pictures and articles.

    André Vaucourt for his expert Delahaye information.

    Arturo Fregoso Fregoso for his drawings.

    Don Capps and my other friends at "The Nostalgia Forum".

    .. my friends at 8W: Mattijs Diepraam & Rainer Nyberg

    .. meine Freunde von A6.

    .. the late Randall G. Malbone, my first Internet friend, whose enthusiasm showed me
       it may be worth the effort. (I'm sure you should have loved my homepage, Randy).

    .. the late Trudi E. Elder for making suggestions regarding the apperence of and colors on my website but above all for being a wonderful and funny friend.

    .. the following (in alphabetical order):

      Angel Alberdin

      Calin Alexandru

      Bengt Alsed

      Craig Antill

      Richard Armstrong

      Ruedi Aschwanden

      Redouane Assari

      Salamon Richard Attila

      "Johnny B"

      David Baldock

      Christian Baumann

      Walter Bäumer (Jr)

      Nathan Beehl

      Jörg Bensemann

      Bob Berman

      Christophe Bernard

      Alberto Bertoni

      Cristián Bertschi

      LeRoy Bishop

      Peter Bleibinger

      Hans-Hugo Boecker

      Juan Manuel Boggio-Videla

      Philippe Bondurand

      Carles Bosch

      Didier Boucher

      Hugh Calibani

      Steve Cansick

      Carlo Cappagli

      Bruno Carré

      Jean Cavaud

      Marc Ceulemans

      Dmitry Cherkashin

      Sal Chiappetta

      Graham Clayton

      Quintin Cloud

      Bogdan Coconoiu

      Jean-Charles Colombier (alias "Haine Kane")

      Richard Copeman

      Joao Paulo Cunha

      Yves Couturier

      John Cross

      Susan Cuddon-Fletcher

      Paul Curotto

      Ketil Danielsen

      Nick Datlowe

      Dennis David

      Guido de Carli

      Mario Cesar de Freitas Levy

      Rudiger de Jonghe

      Stephen Dean

      Christian von Delius

      Gary Doyle

      Mario Draper

      Mihai Dumitru

      Luiz Edgard

      John Edwardes

      Owen Edwards

      Angel Elberdin

      Andrew Embleton

      David Evans

      Francesco Ferrandino

      Marcelo Ferreira

      Bill Fester

      Paul Fisher

      Anthony Flores

      Darren Galpin

      Håkan Gelin

      Jean-Maurice Gigleux

      Franco Giussani

      Johannes Goertz

      Thibault Goffioul

      Juan F. Gómez

      Otto Grabe

      Davide Grappolo

      Greg Gratkowski

      Ricardo Grilo

      Alessandro Grimaldi

      Lance Guthrie

      Lennart Haajanen

      Jerry Hampshire

      Thomas Van Hare

      Romain Heckemanns

      Jasper Heijmans

      Richard Hodges

      Luís Sampaio Howell

      Robert Howes

      Oleksiy Hrushko

      Jos Hugense

      Lukáš Hummel

      Edward Hyde

      Lynn Isaac

      Hannu Jaakola

      Fred Jaillet

      Andrzej Jakubaszek (alias "Anjakub")

      Jens Jessen

      Alex Jones

      Ken Jones

      Piotr Jurczyk

      Tomas Karlsson

      Andres Käär

      Wolfgang Kaese (alias "O Volante")

      P.J. van de Kasteele

      Tony Kaye

      Rick Kelly

      Federico Kirbus

      Mauro Kleber

      Evžen Klimek

      Wolfgang Knoke

      Nicolas Korzan

      Luigi Lago

      John A. Lancaster

      Chico Landi

      Johan Laubscher

      Brian Lawrence

      Richard Line

      Mauro Maiano


      Ivan Margolius

      Michel Marti

      Marius Matthee

      Robert Matzken

      Mauro Maiano

      David McKinney

      Franck Méneret

      Holger Merten

      Jiri Mewald

      Alain Michel

      Joachim Miesbauer

      Greg Mills

      Wendy Monk

      Narcis Molina Montasell

      Simon Moore

      Rolf Moritz

      Francisco Muniz

      Markus Neugebauer

      Alex Nickerson

      Thomas C. O'Keefe

      Richard Page (Formula One Register)

      Vitor Pais

      Rémi Paolozzi

      Francesco Parigi

      Alexander Peace

      David Pearson

      Stan Peschel (Daimler AG)

      Felipe Pezzotti

      Martin Pfundner

      Jimmy Piget

      Piotr Podhajski

      Tim Powys-Lybbe

      Giuseppe Prisco

      Fred Puhn

      Valentin Raducan

      Emmanuel Rault

      André Reine

      Napoleão Ribeiro

      Marco Rooney

      Jamie Rosenzweig

      Richard A. Salomon

      Luís Sampaio

      Harry Schley

      Bernd Schwanbeck

      Vladislav Shaikhnurov

      Michael Sheard

      Miranda Seymor

      Nick Shipp

      Adam Singer

      Aleš Sirný

      John Siscoe

      Oliver Slay

      Bo Söderberg

      Ondrej Spacek

      Paddy Stanley

      Sergio Sultani

      Sten Sundström

      Geza Sury

      Anthony J. Taylor

      Paul Taylor

      Patrick Texier

      James Thorne

      Egon Thurner

      Kevin Tjeerdsma

      Federico Tombolini

      Andrew Trend

      Ronald Trinkwalter

      Nigel Trow

      Robert Van der Plasken

      Thomas Van Hare

      Antonio Vasconceros

      Rodrigo Velasco

      Michal Velebný

      Jason Vogel

      Arnie Vseticka

      Bernhard Völker

      Dave Webb

      David Weil

      Douglas A. Wick

      Reinhard Windeler

      Peter Yonge

      Robert Young

    ... and to any other I may have missed, who have shown their interest and will to assist.

    A special thanks to the late Ian Connell for the assistance he gave me.


© 2024 Leif Snellman - Last updated: 03.07.2024