14 Carlo Salamano Fiat SpA Fiat 805
8 Felice Nazzaro Fiat SpA Fiat 805
5 Jimmy Murphy Fiat SpA Miller Special 122
Autodromo di Monza (I), 9 September 1923.
80 laps x 10.0 km (6.214 mi) = 800.0 km (497.12 mi)
Salamano wins the European Grand Prix with Fiat
by Hans Etzrodt
This was the first European Grand Prix. It took place at Monza. The Italians entered three Fiats and three Alfa Romeos. The day before the race Giaccone was killed when his
Alfa Romeo left the track and the team withdrew from the race out of respect. From America arrived three Millers, headed by Jimmy Murphy. The race was actually between the
three Fiats. Murphy's Miller was too slow to join the Fiat battle. The German Benz team entered three revolutionary designed torpedo-like cars but not fast enough to threaten
the supercharged Fiats or Murphy's Miller. Three likewise unorthodox wing-shaped Voisins were sent from France, including the two Rolland-Pilains which had won at San Sebastian
two months earlier. The 14 cars started the 800 km race with Bordino leading the Fiat trio and Murphy's Miller in fourth place. Walb (Benz), Delalande (Rolland-Pilain) and the
Voisins of Rougier and Lefèvre retired within the first 100 km. Silvani (Voisin) and Zborowski (Miller) had given up within the first quarter of the race. Bordino always held
the lead but soon after mid race, during pit stops his teammates Nazzaro and Salamano passed him, when he slowed due to his left arm injury and eventually retired when exhausted
after 450 km. Murphy's Miller was now third leading the two Benz of Minoia and Hörner, followed by Alzaga (Miller) who had damaged his car in practice. Guyot (Rolland-Pilain)
was in last place. When Delalande relieved him, the officials soon stopped the car to disqualify Guyot. But he protested after the race and was re-established as seventh
finisher. As of lap 45 Nazzaro held the lead but a pitstop on lap 79 let Salamano take first place and win the first Grand Prix with a supercharged car. Nazzaro came second
and Murphy third, when the crowd flooded the circuit. Minoia, Hörner and Alzaga were flagged down.
At the AIACR meeting held on December 7, 1922 in London, Italy suggested to hold annually a Grand Prix of Europe. The plan was accepted and Italy was to hold this race in 1923 at
Monza but should not stage another international Grand Prix during the same year. As a result, the Italian Grand Prix was simply named Gran Premio d'Europe. The Gran Premio d'Italia
was held for the third time. The Commissione Sportiva des RACI and the Società Autodromo di Monza carried out the organization under supervision of Arturo Mercanti, President of
RACI. The race took place on the 10-km Autodromo di Monza A-circuit, comprising the original 4.5 km high-speed oval track and the 5.5 km asphalt circuit over 80 laps, a total of 800 km.
The race was open to all comers to the 2-Liter formula to attract manufacturers not seen before in Italy.
Alfa Romeo from Milan, Italy, entered three cars for Alberto Ascari, Giuseppe Campari and Ugo Sivocci. Giuseppe Merosi designed a new Grand Prix car, the type P1 with a 1990 cc (65 x 100 mm)
6-cylinder twin o.h.c. engine producing 95 hp at 5000 rpm without supercharger and 115 hp at 5000 rpm with supercharging. During practice Sivocci was killed when he ran off the road. The
P1 cars were withdrawn from the race out of respect, without ever being raced.
Benz from Mannheim, Germany, arrived with three cars, which generated enormous interest as they had the engine in the rear of the car, something which had never been seen before at automobile
races. For the first time after 15 years, Benz had entered a race with a car that was indeed a vehicle like one had never seen before. Benz designer Max Wagner was responsible for the
construction based on their 1922 model, a 'teardrop' 2-Liter 6-cylinder mid-engine racecar, based on Edmund Rumpler's 1921 aeronautical design and license. The1923 car used a different
chassis with a more streamlined body, propelled by an in-line 6-cylinder 1997cc (65x100 mm) 24-valve twin o.h.c. engine with seven-roller bearing crankshaft made by Hirth, delivering
90 hp at 5000 rpm. The car had independent front and rear suspension, used only front brakes while the rear wheels were slowed by a transmission-brake. The riding mechanic had access
into the car through a small rear-hinged door. The car type was RH, probably standing for Rennwagen Heckmotor. The Italian Ferdinando Minoia with the Germans Franz Hörner and Willy Walb
were the assigned drivers.
Fiat from Turin, Italy, raced their type 805 powered by a 1,979 cc (60 x 87.5 mm), straight 8-cylinder twin o.h.c. supercharged engine, producing 146 hp at 5,500 rpm. They had entered
three cars at the French Grand Prix where their Wittig vane superchargers ingested road dust and pebbles, the cause of their retirements. Thereafter the engine was modified for Monza,
now using a conventional Roots volumetric vane blower with a filter at the input side. The drivers were Pietro Bordino, Carlo Salamano and Felice Nazzaro, who was added after the team
lost Enrico Giaccone who died as passenger when Bordino crashed in August during a Monza test drive, while the driver escaped with a broken left wrist.
Miller from Los Angeles, California, USA, built the 2-Liter Miller, called the type 122, as it had 122 c. i. capacity. The straight-eight engine had twin o.h.c., driving 2 large valves
per cylinder, delivered 120 hp at 5000 rpm and had won the Indianapolis 500. Griffith Borgeson wrote in Bugatti, p142-143: Before the 500-mile race on 30 May, Count Louis Zborowski bought
a racing car from Harry Miller for the European Grand Prix at Monza. Immediately after the race Martin de Alzaga gave Harry Miller his order for two cars. De Alzaga, Zborowski and
Jimmy Murphy formed a Miller team for Monza, their cars fitted with Miller-built two-man bodies in conformity with European regulations. The ultra-light chassis, engineered to the
last gram of possible weight-saving for oval tracks and with brakes which were little more than symbolic, were thoroughly unfit for road racing. Jimmy Murphy who finished third at
Indianapolis and had won the 1921 French Grand Prix, was the lead driver.
Rolland Pilain from Tours, France, entered two cars, raced at the French Grand Prix and won at San Sebastian. The designer, engineer Grillot, was responsible for the 1983 cc (59.7 x 90 mm)
8-cylinder engine with twin o.h.c. 16-valves, producing 75 hp, enabling speeds of 175 km/h. The light blue cars had hydraulic front brakes and a nice streamlined tail. Albert Guyot and
Gaston Delalande were the French drivers.
Voisin from Issy-les-Moulineaux, Seine, France, entered three cars with a streamlined wing-shaped body and entirely flat under-floor, which had raced at Tours. The 1978 cc (62 x 110 mm)
6-cylinder sleeve-valve engine produced 90 hp at 4400 rpm. The car was reliable with a top speed of 175 km/h. Three cars were entered for the French drivers Henri Rougier and
André Lefèbvre and the Italian Eugenio Silvani.
Unofficial practice by Fiat and Alfa Romeo started long before the race. On August 26 Bordino came to Monza for a test run with a Fiat. Enrico Giaccone, the Fiat race driver who was to
drive the second car in the race, was in the other seat. Just at the beginning of the North curve of the oval track, 50 meters before the race track crossed the road circuit on a bridge,
the front axle suddenly gave way and broke off near the right wheel attachment. At a speed of 170 km/h, the three-wheeled car overturned several times and caught fire. Bordino, who like
Giaccone, was thrown from the car, could get up with some contusions and an injured left wrist. The unfortunate Giaccone suffered a fractured skull and a severely crushed thorax and was
unconsciously laying on the track. Help arrived soon but Giaccone died on the way to the Monza Hospital. Felize Nazzaro or Alessandro Cagno were considered as possible replacement drivers.
On Monday before the race, at 9 o'clock, Race Commissioner Cavaliere Momo completed an inspection lap to open the track to the drivers. Ascari's Alfa Romeo made a few quick laps in the
spare car and left the track half an hour later with his fastest time in 4m09.6s. In the meantime, two Voisins arrived from Milan in bizarre procession: a touring Voisin in the lead
followed by Rougier's car, then Silvani's and another touring car at the end. The two Voisin drivers entered the track and completed three laps and then stopped. Shortly thereafter,
the Benz of Minoia and Walb appeared, assisted by a large group of German technicians for scrupulous fuel consumption tests. The two Voisins were not very fast compared to the Fiats
and the Millers. Silvani drove in 5m10s then in 5m06s and thereafter managed a lap in 4m35.4s. Later Nazzaro arrived with the Fiat, driving laps in 4m05s, 4m04s and 4m02s.
On Thursday Campari and Ascari with the new Alfa Romeos continued their tenacious preparation, observed from the pits by Nicola Romeo. Ascari completed his fastest lap in 3m58s, at an
average of 151 km/h, a great performance and unexpected, for the new car. The Fiats of Salamano and Nazzaro did not make fast laps but later Nazzaro did laps in 3m55s and 3m53s at
155 km/h average speed.
On Friday Salamano made a fast lap with the Fiat in 3m48s at 158 km/h. The Voisin of Rougier was timed in 4m25s at 135 km/h average speed. Murphy with the Miller made a lap in 3m52s
at 155 km/h. De Alzaga had an accident as he reached Lesmo corner, where he hit a large patch of oil from another car, causing his Miller to spin off the track and came to a stop
between two trees. His mechanic escaped with a bruised leg. As a precaution, driver and mechanic were brought to the Continental Hospital. The greatest concern for the car was the
broken rear bridge. The damaged piece was replaced in the factory of Officine Isotta Fraschini. On Friday evening, the two Rolland-Pilains of Guyot and Delalande arrived at Monza.
The drivers obtained permission to practice on Saturday morning from 9 to 10. Naturally, all other teams took advantage of this extra practice hour.
On Saturday morning from 9 to 10 the Rolland-Pilain cars did their practice laps. Some of the Italian cars were also on the track, amongst them the new Alfa Romeo with Ugo Sivocci,
who wanted to make a final speed test. Next to him was the mechanic Angelo Guatta. La Stampa reported: at about 9.35 am, a cavalry officer who was on top of a grandstand and who was
following with particular interest the Sivocci car on its third lap, noticed at the left-hand Vialone turn (later renamed Ascari Turn) the car swerved, left the track, hit a tree first,
then hit another tree, pushed back against another and finally stopped, without overturning. He immediately gave the alarm to the management, so that an emergency car would rush to
the scene. The cause of the accident remained somewhat obscure and what exactly had happened nobody could explain. The car was standing between the trees on its wheels with little
damage on the right side and a dented hood. Poor Sivocci's body was hanging from the car, losing blood from large head wounds and no longer showed signs of life. His riding mechanic
Guatta laid next to the car in pitiful condition. He was placed with great care in one of the cars, and transported to the Monza hospital with a clavicle and two ribs broken. At
about 2 pm, while it was believed that Alfa Romeo was taking part in the race, the Alfa Romeo management issued an announcement, stating they withdrew their cars from the race
as a mark of respect.
On Friday at 8 o'clock, scrutineering and weighing of the cars had taken place also weighing of drivers and mechanics. The Miller of De Alzaga was repaired after the practice crash
and the Rolland-Pilains which arrived late were all to be checked on Saturday at 8.50 am before morning practice. The minimum unloaded weight had to be at least 650 kg. The weight
of driver and his mechanic had to be not less than 120 kg.
| Benz: | |
| No. 1 Minoia 73 kg / Danter 63 kg | 735 kg |
| No. 7 Hörner 97.3 kg / Werle 64.8 kg | 721 kg |
| No. 13 Walb 69.5 kg / Werle 64.8 kg | 725 kg |
| Reserve driver: Zigler 82.4 kg / Schmidt 86 | kg & Burckard 62.8 kg |
| Fiat: | |
| No. 2 Bordino 61.8 kg / Bruno 61.8 kg | 712 kg |
| No. 8 Nazzaro 79.5 kg / Carignano 65 kg | 712 kg |
| No. 14 Salamano 67.5 kg / Ferretti 66.4 kg | 712 kg |
| Reserve driver: Cagno 60.4 kg |
| Voisin: | |
| No. 3 Silvani 89 kg / Blanc 63 kg | 785 kg |
| No. 9 Rougier 73 kg / Lalaurie 76 kg | 793 kg |
| No. 15 Lefêbvre 60.4 kg / Fortin 63.5 kg | 809 kg |
| Miller: | |
| No. 5 Murphy 68.5 kg / Olson 63 kg | 745 kg |
| No. 11 Zborowski 74 kg / Martin 68 kg | 723 kg |
| No. 16 Alzaga, car being repaired |
| Reserve driver: Gallop 64.5 kg |
| Alfa Romeo: | |
| No. 6 Ascari 82 kg / Sozzi 56.2 kg | 794 kg |
| No. 12 Campari 98 kg / Fugazza 71 kg | 804 kg |
| No. 17 Sivocci 68.6 kg / Guatta 62.5 kg | 795 kg |
| Reserve driver: Ramponi 71 kg |
| Rolland-Pilain: | |
| No. 3 Guyot - late entry |
| No. 8 Goux - late entry |
An estimated crowd of 200,000 was present on a sunny Sunday morning. Charles Faroux, Gabriel Voisin, Edmund Rumpler and Robert Bosch were also there. The race was under the patronage of the
Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, who with his entourage visited the pits, where he met with Guyot and Emile Pilain. At the Voisin pits he encountered Gabriele Voisin and his three drivers,
at Fiat he came face to face with Senator Giovanni Agnelli, the engineer Guido Fornaca and their three Fiat drivers. He also inspected the German Benz cars and met with the Miller team. After
9:00 AM the 14 cars were pushed from the pits to the starting grid where they lined up in numerical order.
| | | | | | | |
1 Minoia Benz
2 Bordino Fiat
3 Silvani Voisin
4 Guyot Rolland-Pilain
5 Murphy Miller
6 -
7 Hörner Benz
8 Nazzaro Fiat
9 Rougier Voisin
10 Delande Rolland-Pilain
11 Zborowski Miller
12 -
13 Walb Benz
14 Salamano Fiat
15 Lefèvre Voisin
16 Alzaga Miller
17 -
Before the race began, Mussolini drove a lap of honor around the circuit. At exactly 10:00 AM, with a great show Benito Mussolini raised the small Milan AC flag of blue silk, then lowered
the flag with energy, and to the thunder of a gunshot the cars shot away with loud thunder. Minoia in front of Bordino and Nazzaro from the third row was third, followed by Guyot, Murphy
and Silvani's Voisin trailing oil-smoke from its sleeve-valve engine. Bordino held the steering wheel with the right hand because his injured left arm and wrist were
resting in a sling but he took the immediate lead.
At the end of the first lap, Bordino was still in the lead, 21 seconds ahead of his Fiat teammates Nazzaro and Salamano. Murphy's Miller was fourth, followed by the three streamlined Benz.
The Voisins could not keep up with the speed of the cars ahead and trailed near the end. Guyot stopped to have his spark plugs changed. After the first lap the order was as follows:
| 1. | Bordino (Fiat) | 4m05s |
| 2. | Nazzaro (Fiat) | 4m26s |
| 3. | Salamano (Fiat) | 4m26s |
| 4. | Murphy (Miller) | 4m30s |
| 5. | Minoia (Benz) | 4m36s |
| 6. | Hörner (Benz) | 5m02.2s |
| 7. | Walb (Benz) | 5m02.8s |
| 8. | Guyot (Rolland-Pilain) | 5m03s |
| 9. | Rougier (Voisin) | 5m04s |
| 10. | Delalande (Rolland-Pilain) | 5m19.4s |
| 11. | Silvani (Voisin) | 5m20.6s |
| Followed by the remaining three cars. |
After the second lap Guyot stopped again to change oiled spark plugs. On the fifth lap Zborowsky stopped the Miller to change spark plugs. The three Fiats were driving faster than they
had in practice and left the other cars behind. Bordino was in the lead but his mechanic did all the gear changing, ahead of Salamano and Nazzaro. Murphy's Miller was in fourth place
almost one minute behind the leader, followed by his teammate Zborowski and the white Benz of Minoia. Alzaga in the slowest Miller was in seventh place and Hörner's white Benz was eighth.
Bordino was driving so fast that after only 50 km he had lapped Delalande, Silvani, Walb, Rougier, Lefèvre and Guyot. Bordino's average race speed was 153.009 km/h and his average lap
time during the first five laps was 3m55.4s, with the field in the following order after five laps:
| 1. | Bordino (Fiat) | 19m37s |
| 2. | Salamano (Fiat) | 20m27s |
| 3. | Nazzaro (Fiat) | 20m33s |
| 4. | Murphy (Miller) | 20m34s |
| 5. | Zborowski (Miller) | 21m12s |
| 6. | Minoia (Benz) | 21m31s |
| 7. | Alzaga (Miller) | 22m16s |
| 8. | Hörner (Benz) | 23m10s |
| 9. | Delalande (Rolland-Pilain) | 24m09s | 1 lap behind |
| 10. | Silvani (Voisin) | 24m10s | 1 lap behind |
| 11. | Walb (Benz) | 24m47s | 1 lap behind |
| 12. | Rougier (Voisin) | 25m12s | 1 lap behind |
| 13. | Lefèvre Voisin) | 25m32s | 1 lap behind |
| 14. | Guyot (Rolland-Pilain) | 29m50s | 2 laps behind |
On the sixth lap Delalande retired the Rolland-Pilain with a broken engine bearing and Walb ended his race after his Benz broke a piston. On the ninth lap, when Alzaga's Miller stopped
at his pits with an oil pump failure, Hörner's Benz gained seventh place. Zborowski stopped at his pit on the tenth lap to change oiled spark plugs. After 100 km, the field was down to
12 cars. Bordino still held the lead but his average race speed had gone down slightly to 152.632 km/h. He had increased his lead to Salamano by about a second per lap and his average
lap time for the last five laps was 3m56.2s. The order was as follows after 10 laps:
| 1. | Bordino (Fiat) | 39m18s |
| 2. | Salamano (Fiat) | 40m21s |
| 3. | Nazzaro (Fiat) | 40m30s | |
| | 4. | Murphy (Miller) | 41m06s |
| 5. | Minoia (Benz) | 42m48s |
| 6. | Zborowski (Miller) | 44m00s | 1 lap behind |
| 7. | Hörner (Benz) | 45m41s | 1 lap behind |
| 8. | Silvani (Voisin) | 48m21s | 2 laps behind |
| 9. | Rougier (Voisin) | 49m30s | 2 laps behind |
| 10. | Lefèvre Voisin) | 49m33s | 2 laps behind |
| 11. | Guyot (Rolland-Pilain) | 58m14s | 3 laps behind |
| 12. | Alzaga (Miller) | 1h04m23s | 6 laps behind |
On lap 11 Rougier retired his Voisin and Lefèvre also disappeared a short time later. Both drivers said that their cars were too slow against the competition. On lap 14, Silvani retired
the last Voisin at his pits, his overall sprayed all over with oil from a broken oil pump. After 15 laps the order of the first five remained the same, Bordino 59m18.6s at 151.746 km/h,
Salamano 1h00m05.6s, Nazzaro 1h00m23s, Murphy 1h01m39.6s and Minoia 1h04m24.6s. Hörner passed Zborowski for sixth place and Guyot had climbed to eight position. Before the end of
20 laps, Zborowski retired at the pits, immediately stripped the Miller's engine and found a bent connecting rod. After 200 km Bordino's average lap time for the last ten laps was
3m59s. The order for the 8-car field was as follows after 20 laps:
| 1. | Bordino (Fiat) | 1h19m06s |
| 2. | Salamano (Fiat) | 1h19m58s |
| 3. | Nazzaro (Fiat) | 1h20m06s |
| 4. | Murphy (Miller) | 1h21m55s |
| 5. | Minoia (Benz) | 1h25m48s | 1 lap behind |
| 6. | Hörner (Benz) | 1h30m43s | 2 laps behind |
| 7. | Guyot (Rolland-Pilain) | 1h40m01s | 3 laps behind |
| 8. | Alzaga (Miller) | 1h52m54s | 8 laps behind |
After 250 km the order had not changed, even after Bordino stopped with a tire defect, he still held on to the lead. Before the 300 km mark, Nazzaro had passed Salamano for second
place. Both were now driving faster than Bordino, who was still in the lead. His average lap time for the last ten laps was 3m59s with the times as follows after 30 laps:
| 1. | Bordino (Fiat) | 1h58m55s |
| 2. | Nazzaro (Fiat) | 1h59m06s |
| 3. | Salamano (Fiat) | 1h59m11s |
| 4. | Murphy (Miller) | 2h02m05s |
| 5. | Minoia (Benz) | 2h13m28s | 3 laps behind |
| 6. | Hörner (Benz) | 2h14m59s | 4 laps behind |
| 7. | Guyot (Rolland-Pilain) | 2h28m58s | 7 laps behind |
| 8. | Alzaga (Miller) | 2h39m40s | 9 laps behind |
After 350 km the order remained the same for the entire field, Bordino 2h18m27s, Nazzaro 2h18m45s, Salamano 2h18m46s, Murphy 2h22m20s one lap behind, Minoia 2h29m54s three laps behind,
Hörner 2h37m45s five laps behind, Guyot 2h53m15s ten laps behind and Alzaga in last place. This procession remained in the same order until half time at 400 km mark. Bordino's
average lap time for the last ten laps was 3m54.1s with the following times after 40 laps:
| 1. | Bordino (Fiat) | 2h38m01s |
| 2. | Nazzaro (Fiat) | 2h38m43s |
| 3. | Salamano (Fiat) | 2h38m45s |
| 4. | Murphy (Miller) | 2h42m45s | 1 lap behind |
| 5. | Minoia (Benz) | 2h50m36s | 3 laps behind |
| 6. | Hörner (Benz) | 2h59m19s | 5 laps behind |
| 7. | Guyot (Rolland-Pilain) | 3h19m52s | 10 laps behind |
| 8. | Alzaga (Miller) | 3h26m10s | 12 laps behind |
Guyot who suffered from boiling oil burns on his right leg, stopped and handed the car over to his teammate Delalande, who had retired earlier. This driver change was vividly protested
and the car was not going to drive many more laps. Bordino stopped on lap 42 for 5m54s and complained about pain in the left hand, which was in a sling. While he received medical
treatment, his mechanic did the refueling and wheel change. Bordino rejoined but during his stop had been passed by Nazzaro and Salamano. After 45 laps Nazzaro held the lead in
3h02m29s ahead of Salamano in 3h02m53s, Bordino in 3h06m28s now one lap down, Murphy in 3h06m51s one lap down, Minoia in 3h16m28s three laps down, Hörner in 3h27m30s seven laps down,
Delalande for Guyot in 3h42m45s ten laps down and Alzaga in 3h54m08s. Bordino held third place until lap 46, when he stopped again at his pits due to unbearable pain in the left
hand, but the car was in perfect condition. He was resting on a chair, was massaged and given drinks. Nazzaro had assured that he would not let Murphy win. After Bordino had
recovered somewhat, he attempted to restart again but was advised not to do so. Eventually he was convinced not to drive and was taken home. Nazzaro's average lap time for the
last five laps was 3m59s with the order of the 7-car field as follows after 50 laps:
| 1. | Nazzaro (Fiat) | 3h22m24s |
| 2. | Salamano (Fiat) | 3h22m34s |
| 3. | Murphy (Miller) | 3h29m31s | 1 lap behind |
| 4. | Minoia (Benz) | 3h38m52s | 3 laps behind |
| 5. | Hörner (Benz) | 3h55m12s | 7 laps behind |
| 6. | Delalande/G. (Rolland-P.) | 4h07m17s | 10 laps behind |
| 7. | Alzaga (Miller) | 4h21m52s | 14 laps behind |
After 550 km Nazzaro still held the lead in 3h42m34s, followed by Salamano 3h44m23s who had lost time with a tire defect, Murphy 3h50m35s, Minoia 3h59m47s, Hörner 4h12m42s, Alzaga 4h48m01s
and Delalande for Guyot 4h57m03s. After 600 km Nazzaro's average lap time for the last ten laps was 4m07.1s with the times as follows after 60 laps:
| 1. | Nazzaro (Fiat) | 4h02m53s |
| 2. | Salamano (Fiat) | 4h04m10s |
| 3. | Murphy (Miller) | 4h11m16s | 2 laps behind |
| 4. | Minoia (Benz) | 4h21m21s | 4 laps behind |
| 5. | Hörner (Benz) | 4h36m34s | 8 laps behind |
| 6. | Delalande/G. (Rolland-P.) |
| 7. | Alzaga (Miller) |
On lap 62 the race commissioner stopped Delalande for Guyot and disqualified Guyot, who had retired due to burns on his right leg. As he had not named a reserve driver, his teammate
Delalande who had retired earlier, then took over the car. After 650 km Nazzaro still held the lead in 4h23m55s, ahead of Salamano, who had closed up in 4h24m09s. Murphy proceeded
regularly and was now two laps behind in 4h31m53s with Minoia in fourth place in 4h44m45s who stopped on lap 66 to refuel and change two spark plugs. The only change in the order was
the withdrawal of Guyot's car and the field now down to six cars with Alzaga last, over ten laps behind. Hörner had a brief stop at his pit. After 700 km, Nazzaro still led this
boring procession. His average lap time for the last ten laps was 4m08.9s with the order as follows after 70 laps:
| 1. | Nazzaro (Fiat) | 4h44m22s |
| 2. | Salamano (Fiat) | 4h44m43s |
| 3. | Murphy (Miller) | 4h52m22s | 2 laps behind |
| 4. | Minoia (Benz) | 5h08m26s | 4 laps behind |
| 5. | Hörner (Benz) | 5h26m13s | 10 laps behind |
| 6. | Alzaga (Miller) |
On lap 74 Salamano drove the fastest lap in 3m46.4s at 159.010 km/h when trying to catch the leader after his stop to change a tire. After 750 km Nazzaro was leading in 5h05m26s, two
minutes ahead of Salamano in 5h07m34s and Murphy in 5h12m51s two laps behind. Nazzaro held the lead until the penultimate lap when he stopped at his pits with an overheated engine which
was showered with cold water. Nazzaro rejoined, exited from a heavy cloud of steam. His stop had enabled Salamano to grab the lead but Murphy was still behind in third place, which
remained the order until the finish. Salamano won by 24 seconds ahead of Nazzaro. After Murphy in third place crossed the finish line, the enthusiastic crowd flooded the circuit and
all remaining drivers were stopped immediately to prevent a large accident. Minoia was stopped after his 76th lap, Hörner after his 71st lap, and De Alzaga after his 70th lap.
According to the regulations, the end of the race was determined one hour after the first had finished. After the race, Rolland-Pilain protested and Guyot was officially classified as
seventh finisher, included in the final times which the Monza race management published after the race.
Salamano won the RACI great prize art object and 150,000 lire, Nazzaro won a large gold medal and 70.000 lire and Murphy won a gold medal and 40.000 lire, Minoia received 25,000 lire,
Hörner 15,000, De Alzaga 15,000 and Guyot 15,000 lire. Max Wagner was awarded a gold medal for his contribution to the Benz design as the most outstanding new car.
Pos. | No. | Driver | Entrant | Car | Type | Engine | Laps | Time/Status | Diff |
1. | 14 | Carlo Salamano | Fiat SpA | Fiat | 805 | 2.0 | S-8 | 80 | 5h27m38.4s |
2. | 8 | Felice Nazzaro | Fiat SpA | Fiat | 805 | 2.0 | S-8 | 80 | 5h28m02.0s | + 23.6s |
3. | 5 | Jimmy Murphy | Harry A. Miller Inc. | Miller Special | 122 | 2.0 | S-8 | 80 | 5h32m51.0s | + 5m12.6s |
4. | 1 | Ferdinando Minoia | Benz & Cie, AG | Benz | RH | 2.0 | S-6 | 76 | 5h34m34.4s |
5. | 7 | Franz Hörner | Benz & Cie, AG | Benz | RH | 2.0 | S-6 | 71 | 5h31m00.6s |
6. | 16 | Martin de Alzaga | Harry A. Miller Inc. | Miller Special | 122 | 2.0 | S-8 | 70 | 5h34m35.0s |
7. | 4 | Albert Guyot/Delalande | SA des Etablissements Rolland-Pilain | Rolland-Pilain | | 2.0 | S-8 | 58 | 4h53m38.6s |
DNF | 2 | Pietro Bordino | Fiat SpA | Fiat | 805 | 2.0 | S-8 | 45 | driver fatigue |
DNF | 11 | Louis Zborowski | Harry A. Miller Inc. | Miller Special | 122 | 2.0 | S-8 | 17 | gearbox |
DNF | 3 | Eugenio Silvani | SA des Aéroplanes G. Voisin | Voisin | | 2.0 | S-6 | 11 | oil pump |
DNF | 9 | André Lefèbvre | SA des Aéroplanes G. Voisin | Voisin | | 2.0 | S-6 | 9 | engine |
DNF | 15 | Henri Rougier | SA des Aéroplanes G. Voisin | Voisin | | 2.0 | S-6 | 8 | engine |
DNF | 10 | Gaston Delalande | SA des Etablissements Rolland-Pilain | Rolland-Pilain | | 2.0 | S-8 | 4 | engine bearing |
DNF | 13 | Willy Walb | Benz & Cie, AG | Benz | RH | 2.0 | S-6 | 4 | piston |
Fastest lap: Carlo Salamano (Fiat) on lap 74 in 3m46.4s = 159.01 km/h (98.8 mph).
Winner's average speed: 146.5 km/h (91.0 mph).
Weather: warm, dry.
In retrospect:
The final results differed between the sources and we believe to have selected the correct times for this report.
Primary sources researched for this article:
Allgemeine Automobil-Zeitung, Berlin
Allgemeine Automobil-Zeitung, Wien
Automobil-Welt, Berlin
Corriere della Sera, Milano
Englebert Magazine, Liège
L'Auto, Paris
La Gazzetta dello Sport, Milano
La Stampa, Torino
L'Impero, Roma
MOTOR, Berlin
MOTOR der Flug, Wien
Omnia, Paris
Special thanks to:
Giuseppe Prisco
Markus Neugebauer