CIRCUITO TRIPOLITANIA - Tripoli (I)Type: Road course Length: 71.10 km (44.18 mi) Location: Used: 1925 1925 GRAN PREMIO DI TRIPOLI TAGIURA - Tripoli (I)Type: Road course Length: 26.2 km Location: Used: 1926-1930 1926 GRAN PREMIO DI TRIPOLI AUTODROMO DI MELLAHA - Tripoli (I)Type: Purpose built road course Length: 13.140 km Location: Used: 1933-1940 * 1933 GRAN PREMIO DI TRIPOLI
BARDO - Tunis (F)Type: Road course Length: 8.023 km (4.985 mi) Location: In the suburb of Le Bardo, some 2 km north-west of Tunis center Used: 1928 GRAND PRIX DE TUNISIE CARTHAGE - Tunis (F)Type: Road course Length: 12.6 km / 12.714 km Location: Between the airport and the walls of the ancient Carthago, some 10 km north-east of Tunis center Used: 1931 GRAND PRIX DE TUNISIE
STAOUÉLI - Alger (F)Type: Road course Length: 7.2 km (4.47 mi) Location: Near the town of Staouéli, some 14 km west of Alger (Algiers) Used: 1928 1928 GRAND PRIX D'ALGER ARCOLE - Oran (F)Type: Road course Length: 9.046 km (5.621 mi) Location: Near the village of Arcole (Bir-El-Djir) east of Oran Used: 1930, 1932 1930 GRAND PRIX D'ORANIE CIRCUIT DE BOUZARÉAH - Alger (F)Type: Road course Length: ca 8.1 km Location: Bouzaréah, a large hill and village west of Alger (Algiers) overlooking the city. Used: 1934 - 1936 1934 GRAND PRIX D'ALGER
ANFA - Casablanca (F)Type: Road course Length: 1931: 6,716 km (4.173 mi) 1932: 8,861 km (5.506 mi) 1934: 6.370 km (3.958 mi) Location: Anfa, suburb, west of downtown Casablanca Used: 1930 - 1934 1931 GRAND PRIX DE CASABLANCA
EAST LONDON/PRINCE GEORGE - East London (ZA)Type: Road course Length: 24.46 km (1934)/ 18.62 km (1936-1939) Location: West of East London, near Indian Ocean. Used: 1934 - 1939 1934 SOUTH AFRICAN GP (Handicap) GROSVENOR GRAND PRIX CIRCUIT - Cape Town (ZA)Type: Park circuit / Street circuit Length: 7.44 km Location: Muizenberg, near False Bay, 15km south of Cape Town Used: 1937 - 1939 1937 GROSVENOR GP (Handicap) LORD HOWE - Johannesburg (ZA)Type: Park circuit Length: 3.59 km/3.91 km Location: In a park in Johannesburg, South Africa Used: 1937 1937 RAND GP (Handicap) January
PHILLIP ISLAND (AUS)Type: Road course Length: 10.6 km Location: 2 km south of the town of Cowes, on an island near the Australian south coast, 150 km southeast of Melbourne, Used: 1928 - 1940 The Australian Grand Prix was held on the track from 1928 to 1935. 1934 AUSTRALIAN GP (Handicap) VICTOR HARBOUR (AUS)Type: Road course Length: 12.55 km Location: Port Elliott, 4km east of Victor Harbour, 52 km south of Adelaide, South Australia Used: 1936 AUSTRALIAN GP (Handicap) MOUNT PANORAMA - Bathurst (AUS)Type: Road course Length: 6.176 km Location: 5 km south of Bathurst, New South Wales, 215 km west of Sydney Used: 1938 - 1938 AUSTRALIAN GP (Handicap) LOBETHAL (AUS)Type: Road course Length: 13.8 km Location: East of Lobethal, 24 km east of Adelaide, South Australia Used: 1938 - 1948 1939 AUSTRALIAN GP (Handicap) |
© 2021 Leif Snellman - Last updated: 24.11.2023 |